Club Hours Effective September, 2024
Wednesday through Friday: 4 p.m. to close
Saturdays Noon to 6:00 p.m.
Kitchen hours are 5:30 to 7:30
REMINDER: Your dues are due on January 1 st of each calendar year. After January 31st
,your dues increase by $5.00. After February 2nd
you are no longer a member in “good standing” so please get them paid!
Friday, Feb. 14th - Steak dinner for Valentine’s day
Saturday, Feb. 15th - Chili Cook off at 5:00 p.m.
Saturday, Feb. 22nd - Masters Finals starting at 1:00 p.m.
Saturday, Feb 22nd - Sauerbraten or Ham Dinner starting at 4:00 p.m.
Saturday, March 1st - Kids bowling at 9:30 a.m.
Saturday, March 15th - Pitch tournament starting at 4:00 p.m.
Saturday, March 29th - Syracuse Turners Olympics – Opening ceremony at 5:00 p.m.
April 4th‐6th - National Bowling Tournament in Cincinnati, OH
Saturday, April 12th - Prime Rib dinner
Saturday, May 3rd - Kentucky Derby party
Sunday, May 11th - Mother’s Day pancake breakfast
Saturday, May 17th - 171st Anniversary party
STL Information
They’re only $5.00 and your numbers are good for the whole month!
Turner Hall Rental
Are you having a family birthday party, a baby shower, a wedding shower, a wedding, or whatever! Why not check out the club rates and have your parties’ right here! Many of our members have done just that and can’t believe how much they saved by hosting their party right here at their club!
Also, do your kids like bowling parties? Then check out the unbelievable rates we offer compared to other bowling
establishments! Or maybe you want to have an “Office bowling party” here.
Whatever the occasion, please call the club 315-471-9851 and leave a message for Heather Hess.
Save the date of SATURDAY, MARCH 29th to participate in the Syracuse Turner Olympics.
Opening Ceremonies will be at 5:00 p.m.
The cost will be $20.00 for a team of 4. Each team should select a Country to represent and feel free to dress for the
occasion in your Country’s colors. The games will be Bowling, Shuffleboard, Darts, Corn Hole and a game to be
announced. A signup sheet for team name & participants is located on the bar room door.
Please bring a dish from your Country to pass. Medals and Prizes will be awarded to our Gold, Silver and Bronze finalists.
Please come down to the club and participate in this exciting & fun filled event.
For any questions, please contact Dan & Kim Moran or any board member.
We mourn the loss of these two long-time Friends and Turner Members.
- Henry Cappa 1931 - 2024
- Stephen L . Shires 1954‐ 2024
Our thoughts, sympathies and prayers are with their families and friends they have left behind. They will be forever missed.
Our sympathies also to the family of Bill Camp and to Kelly & Brian DeSocio and
Patty Heffron in the loss of their brother Scotty.
Saturday, February 15th
The samples will start at 5:00 p.m. and go until 7:00.
Cost for people to sample and vote on the best chili is $10.00 per person.
We’ll have salad and fresh bread available also. Awards will be presented at 7:00 p.m. Please contact Ryan, Nikki or CJ Gallardo if you want to bring your chili
Down so we can see who makes the best chili! Should be a fun evening
The National Bowling Tournament will be held in Cincinnati Ohio and we’re planning on going the first weekend of April. We’ll have a meeting on Tuesday, February 18 th at 6:00 p.m. for anyone that would like to go to the tournament.
All applications and moneys have to be in by March 1st.
Those wishing to participate should get in touch with Judy Bacon. We are looking for Men’s and Women’s teams
to participate (of course Singles and Doubles as well).
All entries have to be submitted by February 28 th as the forms have to be turned in to the Cincinnati Turners
by March 1 st
. Any questions, please contact Judy Bacon at 315‐575‐1677.
Masters Update
The roll‐offs for the Stan Sutor Masters tournament will continue on Saturdays and Sundays – until the finals happen
February 22nd at 1:00 p.m. Come on down, root for the bowlers and watch what should be an exciting finish and to see who gets the crown this year! We still have folks in the Loser and Winner brackets. Who will emerge victorious?
Sponsors needed
The Masters Bowling Tournament is looking for “Sponsors” to support the Masters Bowling Tournament Prize Fund. Cash or checks for sponsorships can be given the Dot Bisesi or Judy Bacon or left with the bartender on duty in the Lanes or at the main bar. (Checks should be made out to Syracuse Turners). No donations will be considered too small (or too large)! Please include “who” the sponsorship is from and if you’d like, the message you’d like placed on the Sponsorship sign in the bowling lanes.
Thanks from the Masters Committee
Valentines Day Dinner
We are offering a great dinner special for our members & guests!
10 oz. New York Strip steak with baked potato, vegetable, dessert & one free drink all for $20 plus tax .
This is by reservation only for the steak dinner. Please have your reservation in no later than Wednesday,
February 12th to Cheryl Hammond, 315‐247‐4027 or call the club with your reservation.
Our regular menu will also be available without reservations.